Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Waterless Embalming


Waterless embalming is a subject that has been discussed for decades. It truly may be the most controversial topic in embalming. Those embalmers that use this technique swear by it; while most others are very skeptical. Waterless embalming is merely a technique. We as professionals must get out of the mindset that embalming is just embalming. Just as we have adapted a certain technique for: jaundice, edema, trauma, decomposition, the infant and even the straight case; this is just another technique.

Embalming has become a stepchild to some funeral service professionals, but it should be treated as the first born. Because of the importance of embalming, waterless embalming is a fully justified technique which needs to be addressed.

Every technique has a time and a place; waterless embalming is certainly one for every embalmers arsenal. There are times when the remains is already waterlogged and no further chemical dilution is necessary; also there are occasions when there will be an extended length of time between embalming and final disposition. Lastly, a remains experiencing delayed embalming is also an excellent candidate for waterless embalming. I am in no means saying that waterless embalming should be the norm on every case. Waterless injection is just another way to get the job done with maximum effectiveness.

Waterless embalming is only used when there is a definite need for maximum fixation or dehydration. This concept works totally on chemical mixture. Because there is no primary chemical dilution by the embalmer in the tank, a lot of common sense and judgement are needed. Because of this a thorough case analysis is a must. Again waterless injection is not meant to be used on every case. Never the less a few embalmers do employee this technique quite often.

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